Friday, June 21, 2019

Mapua camping trip

This is about what you can do at mapua lesiure park and what you need but we didn't actually go to mapua .

Mouse trap experience M.T

We made some mouse traps using instructions from somebody else that we have swapped  with. My favourite part was when we got to eat the mouse trap mine was really nice I had ham and cheese on mine . The part I didn't like was  WAITING for so long while other people made there's .

Mia's place value DLO

At maths time my teacher let me pick what I could do for my Dlo hope you enjoy

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

MY DLO about multiplication strategies

This is my DLO about multiplication strategies hope you like it .

How to play the recorder DLO

How to play the recorder DLO hope you enjoy